In Psalm 122 David instructs us to:
Pray for the accord of Jerusalem: "May those who adulation you be secure. May there be accord aural your walls and aegis aural your citadels."
Christians over the years accept captivated differing angle on the nation of Israel. Some accept that the abiding of the Jews aback to the Middle East and the nation of Israel reforming is allotment of God's affairs for the end times. Others say that the Church has replaced Israel in accomplishing God's purposes.
Whichever of the two angle one may ascendancy it is important to adjure for the humans who reside in this afflicted land. But how do we pray? What is God's will for the Middle East?
In his aboriginal letter to Timothy, Paul says:
"I urge, then, aboriginal of all, that requests, prayers, action and approbation be fabricated for anybody - for kings and all those in authority...."
So the aboriginal affair we can do is to adjure for the leaders of Israel and its neighbouring countries. We may or may not like the assorted leaders in that allotment of the world, but God has accustomed them to acceleration to these positions. In the Old Testament God acclimated kings who did not apperceive him to accomplish his purposes. Therefore, it is important to adjure for them that they will administer wisely and accomplish Godly and just decisions.
The additional way that we can adjure is to chase David's appeal and "Pray for the accord of Jerusalem." Humanly speaking accepting accord in Jerusalem is impossible. However, we are instructed to adjure for this. One of the advantages of praying this adjure is that we can put abreast some of our political and religious bent and adjure for the citizenry of that abundant city. I accept begin it accessible to adjure for the altered religious and allegiance groupings in Jerusalem: Israelites, Arabs, Palestinians, Armenians, Christians, Jews and Muslims. And we charge to accumulate in apperception that God loves all those in Jerusalem and his Son died for all of them. That includes the ones whose angle and behavior we do not support!